Bread Basket
Foccacia dusted with a nice blend of herbs and generously covered in coarsely grated cheese that was roasted to a nice nutty crispy brown. What’s not to like?
Gratinato with bacon
Super-rich and buttery cream sauce covers this dish of roasted potatoes, mushrooms, onions and sun-dried tomatoes. Two eggs are added before the dish is covered in cheese and golden brown bacon is added to reach an even more delicious state of deep brown under the broiler. This decadent meal was perfect fuel for a crazy day of demolition in my kitchen.
Lombarda Pizza
And, the Lombarda pizza rounded out the meal. Tasty. Clearly the theme of this meal is — cheese, it does a body good. (Or, is that milk?)
Osteria 832
832 North Highland Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30306
404 897 1414