Stroopwafels — Crispy Caramel Waffles

Best stroopwafels ever?  They might be.

We can’t say that just yet.  (Yet.)  We haven’t tried them ALL.  (Yet.)  But, these are definitely the best that we’ve ever tasted.   EV-ER!  These were so incredibly fresh.  The waffle was crispy and brittle and lightly dusted with the right amount of cinnamon sugar that was mostly cinnamon and not too sweet at all.  And, the caramel was chewy and lovely even without the steam of a hot beverage.

8 waffles…  That’s not enough.  We already want another tin.

Barn egg… barn egg?

Don’t you love translated ingredient lists?

446 calories each?

Nah, that can’t be right.  I bet they didn’t even know how to calculate calories in 1897.  I’m definitely not sharing my waffle.  Actually, on second thought, I never saw the bottom of this tin.  I swear, I never even saw that.  I had no idea there was writing on the bottom of this tin.  Calories?  What are those?

We’re also devouring these:

Almond Croissants

Mmhmm, these are really good, too.

City Farmers Market

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