Fast Food Bites — KFC’s Grilled Spicy Wings

In my book, most fast food falls on a sliding scale of “not bad”.  The bottom side of that scale?  “Eh, it’s edible.  And, I’d rather eat this than starve.”  The top side of that scale would be a surprised declaration.  “Hmm… not bad.”  These wings fall somewhere on the good side of “not bad”.  The grilled spicy chicken breast is better still (more meat less skin).

Previously, KFC was dead to me.  Now, KFC’s grilled spicy chicken falls just under Chipotle’s carnitas, Popeye’s spicy fried chicken and Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich on my list of acceptable fast food options.  Starbucks tops my list.  (They have drive-thrus.  That makes them fast food, right?)

La Parrilla

La Parrilla Tilapia & Shrimp

This piece of tilapia was clearly pan-fried to order.  It was still piping hot and the breading was crisp.  The handful of shrimp that were drizzled with the ever-present melted white cheese… surprisingly tasty.   The pico de gallo was warm and appeared to be slightly stewed.  Overall, this was an enjoyable meal.  We particularly enjoyed the live musicians.  I’m not sure if it’s the same group every week.  But, if it is, we’ll definitely be back.  The female vocalist was quite talented.  She reminded me of the bands that play at bayside in Miami.  She made the loud & crowded room bearable.

The Sides:  grilled asparagus & chipotle mashed potatoes

The fresh asparagus was nicely cooked… seared and still maintaining a bit of fresh crispness.  And, chipotle mashed potatoes were a better alternative than the rather soft and mild Mexican rice.

Salmon with tequila mango sauce

The tequila-mango sauce was tasty, but, a bit on the sweet side. The grill marks on the salmon were rather anemic even though the salmon itself was on the well side of done.  The asparagus was cooked properly.  There was absolutely nothing wrong with the dish.  Well, other than the fact that it reminded me a bit of airline food.

Note:  Chips & salsa were good.  The chips were thin, warm & crisp.  And, the salsa was sweet & spicy… really sort of addictive in an odd way.  I’d have to say better than most chain restaurant salsas.

Verdict:  I’d definitely choose this chain over others in the Atlanta area.

La Parrilla
5131 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 1005
Norcross, GA 30092
770 242 0766

Rathbun Steak

While the subdued lighting at Rathbun Steak makes for a pleasant setting.  It makes grabbing a shot of the food difficult, if not impossible, during the winter (the patio isn’t really an option).  But, quite frankly, with food this good… who cares?  I don’t need to take a shot of the steak.  The memory of it’s silken texture and the taste of rich buttery beef lives on in our memory.  Both of our steaks were spectacularly good.  There is no doubting the high quality of the dry aged beef.  The distinctively rich, full flavor and meltingly tender flesh are unmistakable.  It would be a crime to over-cook beef of this quality.  So, as you would expect, they were cooked to perfection.

In addition to the steaks, here are some of the dishes we’ve enjoyed:
(We’ve never had a bad dish… just varying levels of great to fabulous)

Lobster Fritters
Perfectly cooked, crisp on the outside and tender moist meat on the inside.  The drizzle of honey flavored with citrus and mustard was added with a delicate touch… not overpowering the lobster.

Wagyu Burger with grilled onions
This burger is as close to perfection in a burger as we’ve ever found.  This is definitely our current favorite.  It now sits on top of our list of the
best burgers in Atlanta. (In our minds at least, until we update the list itself.  We’ll be updating & revising this list soon.)

Jalapeno Creamed Corn
I didn’t know that creamed corn could be this good.  This is seriously addictive.  Super rich… oozing creamy buttery flavor and a good dose of spice to combat the richness.  Next to the steaks and sweet potatoes, our favorite thing on the menu.

Sweet Potatoes
Caramelized sweet potatoes layered with cream, butter, and cheese.  These are low calorie… right?  I wish.  They are To-Die-For good!  I mean…really good.  YUM!  These might be the best sweet potatoes on the planet.  Did I mention… these were good?  I can’t think of a word to define their level of delicious perfection.

I was going to go on to say good things about the french fries, onion rings, creamed spinach and mushrooms.  And, a baked alaska (with one of the most perfect meringues I’ve ever tasted) that I believe is no longer on the menu.  But, honestly, I can’t get the sweet potatoes out of my mind.  So, I’ll just end here.  Actually, I’m glad there’s bad lighting… I’ll get a shot eventually.  We’ll just have to keep coming back to try and try again.  I’m up to the challenge!

Kevin Rathbun Steak
154 Krog Street, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30307
404 524 5600

Carnegie Deli Corned Beef @ Joey D’s

Joey D’s Carnegie Deli Giant Corned Beef Sandwich

On Carnegie Deli rye, the corned beef is sliced papery thin and piled high.  Served with Dusseldorf style german mustard, I don’t think it’s possible to make this sandwich any better.  They do offer a regular-sized version of this sandwich.  But, the giant size is perfect for sharing… and then some.

Joey D’s Oak Room
1015 Crown Pointe Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30338
770 512 7063

Chestnut Honey @ Alon’s Bakery

This chestnut honey from Alon’s Bakery is incredible.  It has a richness and intensity I’ve never seen before.  I think it’s the best chestnut honey I’ve ever been fortunate enough to taste.  With a price tag just over $15, it’s no bargain.  But, the quality is obvious from the terra cotta jar to the pure beeswax seal.  The true essence of honey could be defined by this Spanish artisan product.

We compared the taste against an outstanding bottle of tupelo honey we happened to have on hand (a winner in it’s own right).  The flavor of the tupelo left us with thoughts of buttery sweetness.  This chestnut honey, by comparison, was screaming HONEY at us.  This is my favorite food find of 2009. (We found this item just before Christmas.)  And, it really is worth the splurge.

Sadly, on our last visit to Alon’s we couldn’t find  a jar to purchase.  I hope they plan to restock it… soon.  (Dean and Deluca was charging over $20 a jar for this honey.  They’re currently out of stock.  La Tienda has it for $19.95.)

Website:  Alon’s Bakery

The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones

Opens January 15, 2010

Lemon Walnut Raisin Bread

Lemon Walnut Raisin Bread

This loaf of Dekalb Farmer’s Market bread was startlingly good and fresh.  It was a lovely blend of clearly distinguishable flavors.  It was perfect toasted with butter.  We enjoyed it equally, if not more, with the last of our roasted turkey.  But, oddly, they sell a whole loaf for $3.99 and half of a loaf for $3.99.  Hmm, I can only hope these loaves were marked incorrectly.  I’ll be paying more attention to their price labels in the future.

Your Dekalb Farmer’s Market
3000 East Ponce de Leon Avenue
Decatur, GA 30030
404 377 6400

Community Q BBQ

BBQ rib & pulled pork combo with Brunswick stew & collards

While every element of this plate was cooked with skill, the bbq spices & flavors were not my favorite.  One particular spice (coriander, I believe) gave the ribs a flavor that reminds me of brisket.  I like brisket, but, I don’t want my ribs to taste like brisket.  Both the ribs and pulled pork lacked the right amount of smoke.  For me, the bbq sauce overpowered the ribs.   I could barely taste the meat.  The serving of pulled pork was oddly small.  This was particularly strange, given the generous serving of ribs.  I would say this was a fluke.  But, both portions on two separate orders were identical in size.  On the bright side, both orders of pulled pork were perfectly tender and moist.

The collard greens were exceptionally good and the Brunswick stew was chock full of meat.  I like a good dose of black pepper in my Brunswick stew, so I was very happy with Community Q’s hearty version.

Chicken & pulled pork combo with potato salad and mac & cheese

The chicken was gorgeously succulent, tender and luscious.  This might be the best BBQ chicken in Atlanta.  Well, maybe second best.  Without a doubt, this is the only place in town that comes close to the quality of Fox Bros. BBQ chicken.  We both agreed that the BBQ chicken and the sides alone warrant a second visit.  The mac & cheese was ridiculously decadent and delicious.  Potato salad was rich with mustardy good flavor and the potatoes were super tender.  If smashed potatoes and potato salad were married… this would be the baby.  We both loved the flavor and comfort food genius both of these sides demonstrated.

And, any bbq joint with fun-loving kitschy pigs gets an extra bonus point in my book.

Verdict:  We will most definitely be back… soon!

Community Q BBQ
1361 Clairmont Road
Decatur, GA 30033
404 633 2080

Leon’s Full Service… again

This arugula salad with perfectly roasted peanuts and thinly grated cheese was the perfect start to my meal.

The veggie loaf is one of my favorite choices at Leon’s.  It’s unexpectedly rich and satisfying.  If anything, it’s too rich.  The loaf itself includes lentils, onions, red pepper, quinoa, seasame seeds, and a few other clever ingredients.  Roasted cauliflower, mushrooms and sun-dried tomatoes add even more richness.  Hazelnut romesco sauce and a generous drizzle of olive oil gild the lily.  Love it!

Another winner, this crisp pan-fried trout is generously topped with dark gold roasted cashews.  What a lovely bit of genius they are combined with dried apricot slices.  I can’t decide which dish I love the most.  All three of these are winners.  But, we already knew that.  That’s why we choose Leon’s again and again.  The food is consistently great.  And,usually (I wish I could say always… but, I can’t), so is the service.

Leon’s Full Service
121 East Ponce de Leon Avenue
Decatur, GA 30030
404 687 0500

Twisted Taco

Chips & Salsa

Tacos filled with crab balls and blackened fish

I’m not a huge fan of tacos.  And, the tacos here aren’t Tex-Mex or even Tex-Tex, for that matter.  They’re just stuff stuffed inside flour tortillas.  But, it is tasty stuff in generous quantities.  The blackened fish was my favorite… if you can call it that.

My hon’s wacky trio:  thai chicken, fried crawfish and gyro

Definitely not my cup of tea, he later agreed that this particular combination was strange.  But, sampled individually with much drinking in between, they were each tasty enough on their own.  (I was told.  I had no desire to try them.)

Roast pork & blackened tilapia with red cabbage slaw

On a second visit, I ordered the Wyatt Earp and The Baja(pictured above).  And, my hon ordered the crab balls (Wild Alaskan), fried crawfish tails, and something else that I just can’t remember.  (He ate them before we could take a picture.)  We both enjoyed the second visit more than the first.  The Cactus (a prickly pear margarita) increased my enjoyment level significantly. (And, we both love that they’re open late.)

Twisted Taco
4505 Ashford Dunwoody Road Suite 32
Atlanta, GA 30346
770 399 0991